For years I’ve been typing <code> tags and pasting code between them. But no more! I wrote a small utility that puts the code tags around my code and pops into the clipboard. Think of the seconds that I’ll save.
There are three situations that I wanted to cover with this code; no selection, multiple procedure selection, and intra-procedure selection. If there’s no selection, I want the whole procedure that contains the cursor. If the selection spans more than one procedure, I want the entirety of all the procedures that are touched by the selection. If the selection is within one procedure, I want what’s selected.
This code uses the Microsoft Visual Basic Extensibility library.
To get this | Select this |
Dim cp As CodePane, cm As CodeModule
Dim lStartLine As Long, lEndLine As Long
Dim lStartCol As Long, lEndCol As Long
Dim sStartProc As String, sEndProc As String
Dim lStartType As Long, lEndType As Long
Dim sOutput As String
Dim doClip As DataObject
Set cp = Application.VBE.ActiveCodePane
Set cm = cp.CodeModule
cp.GetSelection lStartLine, lStartCol, lEndLine, lEndCol
sStartProc = cm.ProcOfLine(lStartLine, lStartType)
sEndProc = cm.ProcOfLine(lEndLine, lEndType)
‘Single cursor = get whole procedure
If lStartLine = lEndLine And lStartCol = lEndCol Then
sOutput = cm.Lines(cm.ProcStartLine(sStartProc, lStartType) + 1, cm.ProcCountLines(sStartProc, lStartType) – 1)
‘Spans more than one procedure = get all procedures in selection
ElseIf sStartProc <> sEndProc Then
lStartLine = cm.ProcStartLine(sStartProc, lStartType) + 1
lEndLine = cm.ProcStartLine(sEndProc, lEndType) + cm.ProcCountLines(sEndProc, lEndType)
sOutput = cm.Lines(lStartLine, lEndLine – lStartLine)
‘Same line = get selected text
ElseIf lStartLine = lEndLine Then
sOutput = Mid$(cm.Lines(lStartLine, 1), lStartCol, lEndCol – lStartCol)
‘Multiple lines = get selected text
sOutput = Mid$(cm.Lines(lStartLine, 1), lStartCol, Len(cm.Lines(lStartLine, 1)))
If lEndLine – lStartLine > 1 Then
sOutput = sOutput & vbNewLine & cm.Lines(lStartLine + 1, (lEndLine) – (lStartLine + 1))
End If
sOutput = sOutput & vbNewLine & Left$(cm.Lines(lEndLine, 1), lEndCol – 1)
End If
If Right$(sOutput, Len(vbNewLine)) = vbNewLine Then
sOutput = Left$(sOutput, Len(sOutput) – Len(vbNewLine))
End If
sOutput = “< code lang=”“vb”“>” & sOutput & “< /code>”
Set doClip = New DataObject
doClip.SetText sOutput
End Sub
In the last line that begins with
I had to add some extraneous spaces to be able to post code that contains code tags, but they’re not really there in the code.
Other than that I’m merely doing string manipulation with my starting and ending lines and columns.
I think I need to add the
argument when I’m on a single line. I think I’ll use and see how often I’m adding it.