星期二, 十一月 29, 2011

Display Contact Group Member Count

From Code for Excel and Outlook

Display Contact Group Member Count:

Sorry for the lack of posts lately. I've been working on the next version of Random Data Generator, and my home network connection wasn't working for the past few days.

In Display the Total Number of Members in a Contact Group there is a method for displaying the number of members of a contact group (aka distribution list).

There is an easier way, using VBA:

Sub GetDistListCount()

Dim dl As Outlook.DistListItem

Set dl = ActiveExplorer.Selection.item(1)

MsgBox "There are " & dl.MemberCount & " member(s) in this contact group."

End Sub

Just go to your Contacts folder, select a distribution list item and run this code. There is no error handling here, just a simple procedure to display the number of members of the group.

Related Articles:

Display Contact Group Member Count is Copyright © JP Software Technologies. All Rights Reserved.
