Here are four quick tips I use to keep my database file size down and my queries running quickly. These have been gleaned from various articles I've read over the last few years. You'll want to follow these in order to ensure each step benefits from the one before it. If you have any more, add them in the comments section.
First, backup your database
My article Updated VBA Backup Code contains code to programmatically backup any file. You'll definitely want to backup the file first, in case any changes you make happen to corrupt the database file. You could also use the backup feature built into Access.
Decompile, Then Recompile VBA code
Following advice from MVP Roger Carlson on how to create a shortcut to decompile a database's VBA code, I created a shortcut to do so. However, to avoid any potential errors in creating the shortcut, I wrote some VBA code to create it.
' creates a 'Decompile' shortcut on local desktop
Dim desktopFolder As String
Dim accessFolder As String
Dim WshShell As Object ' WshShell
Dim WshShortcut As Object ' WshShortcut
' get desktop folder
desktopFolder = Environ("userprofile") & "\Desktop\"
' get MS Access path, assume default install
accessFolder = Application.Path & "\MSACCESS.EXE"
' create shortcut
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set WshShortcut = WshShell.CreateShortcut(desktopFolder & "Decompile Access Database.lnk")
With WshShortcut
.Arguments = "/decompile"
.TargetPath = accessFolder
.WindowStyle = 4
.Description = "Decompile MS Access Database"
End With
End Sub
Run this code from your Excel VBA Editor and then follow Roger's instructions in his blog post, starting from #3 (since we already have the shortcut). (FYI this is a great way to create a shortcut to your application from an installation package.). This will put your VBA code in a compiled state. You only need to run the above code once, then reuse the shortcut every time you want to recompile your Access VBA code.
Compact and Repair
After compiling the VBA code in your database, run Compact and Repair. Access 2003 allows you to do this programmatically. See Clean and Repair your Access database for a method that uses VBA (works for Access 2003 only). You could also create another shortcut that can do it for you. The shortcut will work for any version.
I use this procedure to create a shortcut that can compact and repair the database file of my choice. Once again it is run from Excel VBA but you only need to run it once for each database to create the shortcut.
' creates a Compact And Repair shortcut on local desktop
Dim desktopFolder As String
Dim accessFolder As String
Dim WshShell As Object ' WshShell
Dim WshShortcut As Object ' WshShortcut
' get desktop folder
desktopFolder = Environ("userprofile") & "\Desktop\"
' get MS Access path, assume default install
accessFolder = Application.Path & "\MSACCESS.EXE"
' create shortcut
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set WshShortcut = WshShell.CreateShortcut(desktopFolder & "Compact and Repair " & ExtractFileName(fileName) & ".lnk")
With WshShortcut
' filename must be wrapped in quotes
.Arguments = Chr(34) & fileName & Chr(34) & " /compact"
.TargetPath = accessFolder
.WindowStyle = 4
.Description = "Compact and Repair MS Access Database"
End With
End Sub
Function ExtractFileName(fileName As String) As String
' extract filename portion of filename, no extension
Dim fileN As String
fileN = Right(fileName, Len(fileName) - InStrRev(fileName, "\"))
fileN = Replace(fileN, GetFileType(fileN), "")
ExtractFileName = fileN
End Function
Function GetFileType(fileName As String) As String
' get file extension
GetFileType = Mid$(fileName, InStrRev(fileName, "."), Len(fileName))
End Function
To call the function you would do something like this:
Dim fileName As String
fileName = "G:\Files\Accounts\Databases\Customer_File.mdb"
Call CompactAndRepairMDB(fileName)
End Sub
Now suppose you wanted to call one of these shortcuts programmatically, you could use the Run Method of the WSHOM Shell Object, like this:
Dim WshShell As Object ' WshShell
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WshShell.Run fileName
End Sub
Recompile Queries
According to Performance Tips to Speed Up Your Access 2007 Database, recompiling your queries makes them run faster. The way to do this is to open the query in Design view, save and run it.
The following procedure, run in Access, will loop through the queries collection, then open, save and run each query in turn.
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim queries As DAO.QueryDefs
Dim query As DAO.QueryDef
Set db = CurrentDb
Set queries = db.QueryDefs
' loop through each query
For Each query In queries
' open query in design view
DoCmd.OpenQuery query.Name, acViewDesign
' save query
DoCmd.Save acQuery, query.Name
' run query
DoCmd.OpenQuery query.Name, acViewNormal
' close query
DoCmd.Close acQuery, query.Name
Next query
End Sub
Any more tips I forgot?
Related Articles:
- August 23, 2011 -- Set Outlook to Compact on Close
- July 20, 2011 -- Trim all text fields in MS Access database
- January 20, 2010 -- Listing built-in Access database properties
4 Tips to Keep your Access Database in Tip Top Shape is Copyright © Code For Excel And Outlook - Learn VBA. All Rights Reserved.